The Tenancy Agreement Act in Manitoba: A Comprehensive Guide

As a landlord or a tenant in Manitoba, it is vital to understand your rights and obligations under the Tenancy Agreement Act. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Act, its key provisions, and how it affects both landlords and tenants.

What is the Tenancy Agreement Act?

The Tenancy Agreement Act is a piece of legislation that governs the relationship between landlords and tenants in Manitoba. It sets out the legal rights and obligations of both parties, including the duration of the tenancy, rent payments, and how disputes should be resolved.

The Act applies to all residential tenancy agreements in Manitoba, including those for apartments, houses, townhouses, and mobile homes. It does not apply to commercial tenancy agreements.

Key Provisions of the Tenancy Agreement Act

Here are some of the key provisions of the Act that landlords and tenants should be aware of:

1. Duration of Tenancy

The Act sets out the minimum notice periods that landlords and tenants must provide when ending a tenancy. For month-to-month tenancies, landlords must give two months` notice, while tenants must give one month`s notice.

2. Rent Increases

Landlords in Manitoba are allowed to increase rent once a year, subject to certain conditions. They must provide tenants with at least three months` notice of the increase, and the increase cannot be more than the amount prescribed by the government.

3. Security Deposits

Landlords in Manitoba are allowed to ask for a security deposit from tenants, but the amount cannot be more than one month`s rent. The deposit must be returned to the tenant at the end of the tenancy, less any deductions for damages or unpaid rent.

4. Repairs and Maintenance

Landlords are responsible for ensuring that the rental unit is in a good state of repair and fit for habitation. Tenants have the right to request repairs, and the landlord must respond promptly. If the landlord fails to make repairs, the tenant can apply to the Residential Tenancies Branch for an order requiring the landlord to do so.

5. Dispute Resolution

If an issue arises between a landlord and tenant, they are encouraged to resolve it amicably. If this is not possible, either party can apply to the Residential Tenancies Branch for assistance. The Branch has the power to mediate disputes, issue orders, and enforce those orders if necessary.


The Tenancy Agreement Act in Manitoba is designed to protect the rights of both landlords and tenants. By understanding its key provisions, both parties can avoid disputes and ensure a positive rental experience. If you require further information or guidance, do not hesitate to contact the Residential Tenancies Branch.